Buggy FIle (i.e Index.html) Upload



OK, so it'a a beta, I understand, and for the price, it's
been great. However, local-to-remote does not get fully
updated. Example:

-- INDEX.HTML saved at 12:00 local to replace INDEX.HTML
saved at 11:55 on remote will look like it's replaced
(showing 12:00 version), yet actually the file didn't get
replaced at all.

I sometimes have to close down FP, restart it, and go and
delete the "faux" 12:00 INDEX on remote -- by saving
another local 12:05 INDEX, uploading it and crossing my

Sometimes fixes it, sometimes doesn't. Having to delete
everything on remote INDEX page and starting from scrtch
fixes that, but this is slow and a nuisance -- just to
get the HTML page to work.

Once I get past current 1 page "under costruction"
starting point of my site in development, I sure do NOT
want to run into this page after page.

My guess... Buggy? If not and/or ? does anyone have
solutions, tips, suggestions?



Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FP]

If you can see that the file is being updated on the remote server (by opening the remote web in FP), than the process *is* working. Try clearing your browser cache, and then reload the page. It's also possible your ISP is caching as well.


~ Kathleen Anderson
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Spider Web Woman Designs

Herman Melville - Moby Dick

Have you tried this? This may work for you. When that happens here in
Melville, New York the index.html is re-named to index.htm and re-published
then the next incident it is re-named from *.htm back to *.html. Once you
get the hang of it you will spend less time on the PC and more time at the
Sonic Drive-in.


Herman Melville
Moby Dick

Soniclight \(Philip Knight\)

Thanks, I'll have to install my IE Cache "cop" so to
speak, and will keep an eye on what you said.

All the best,

Philip Knight
Los Angeles, CA

Soniclight \(Philiip Knight\)

Thanks for reply -- I'll do a you suggested and keep tabs
on the .htm and html thing. Also forgot to mention I
have the 2003 MS Office Suite version of FP, but as long
as I get it to work, doesn't matter.

Take care,

Philip Knight
Los Angeles, CA

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