I love the look and feel of this new version. There are major problems with
the software.
First, I experinced a total crash the second day I had Outlook 2007 on my
computer. The exact text of the error message was: "Cannot start Microsoft
Office Outlook. MAPI32.DLL is corrupt or the wrong version. This could have
been caused by installing other messaging software. Please re-install
I had to re-install to make it work... and no I hadn't installed any other
email software.
Next problem, Outlook begs and demands that you download and install the new
search tool... I did that and it's fouled up. It killed my MSN toolbar in IE
and there was no way to get it back. So I removed it and am living without it
and needing to put up with constant demands from Outlook 2007 to isntall it.
Next Problem, When using an Exchange server, I am forced to have my exchange
account as my primary account or it won't download messages. In Outlook 2003,
it was possible to use Personal Folders File as primary and have exchange
account messages dropped into PST mailbox. This feature is fouled up in
Outlook 2007.
And the latest ongoing nasty problem with the software... New messages do
not appear in my inbox. The software downloads the messages but they are not
displayed. Such that in the folder bar to the left, I will see a blue number
indicating how many messages there are in my inbox, but in the reading pane
and message pane there is nothing. The only way to make messages appear is to
restart Outlook. This problem happens on each and every email I recieve.
So, can somebody direct me to a newsgroup or web page where I can officially
report these problems? On other Betas that I am involved with for Microsoft,
there is a program entry on the Microsoft Connect Beta Page... this major
release doesn't show up? Anyway, I would like to help and report these
problems so I am entering them here.
If someone from Microsoft is monitoring this forum, please pass along these
comments and maybe let me (and everyone else) know where we are supposed to
be reporting them??
the software.
First, I experinced a total crash the second day I had Outlook 2007 on my
computer. The exact text of the error message was: "Cannot start Microsoft
Office Outlook. MAPI32.DLL is corrupt or the wrong version. This could have
been caused by installing other messaging software. Please re-install
I had to re-install to make it work... and no I hadn't installed any other
email software.
Next problem, Outlook begs and demands that you download and install the new
search tool... I did that and it's fouled up. It killed my MSN toolbar in IE
and there was no way to get it back. So I removed it and am living without it
and needing to put up with constant demands from Outlook 2007 to isntall it.
Next Problem, When using an Exchange server, I am forced to have my exchange
account as my primary account or it won't download messages. In Outlook 2003,
it was possible to use Personal Folders File as primary and have exchange
account messages dropped into PST mailbox. This feature is fouled up in
Outlook 2007.
And the latest ongoing nasty problem with the software... New messages do
not appear in my inbox. The software downloads the messages but they are not
displayed. Such that in the folder bar to the left, I will see a blue number
indicating how many messages there are in my inbox, but in the reading pane
and message pane there is nothing. The only way to make messages appear is to
restart Outlook. This problem happens on each and every email I recieve.
So, can somebody direct me to a newsgroup or web page where I can officially
report these problems? On other Betas that I am involved with for Microsoft,
there is a program entry on the Microsoft Connect Beta Page... this major
release doesn't show up? Anyway, I would like to help and report these
problems so I am entering them here.
If someone from Microsoft is monitoring this forum, please pass along these
comments and maybe let me (and everyone else) know where we are supposed to
be reporting them??