Build a CUBE: which one and what fields?



Hi to everybody,
I’m trying to build a CUBE in PWA 2007...

I’m just new on the cube building and I have followed the basic

I’d like to build a simple cube where I can analyse some basic
- Project name
- Status Custom Field (a project custom field based on a formula that
tells me if the project is updated or not (if the actual date is
greater that the last modified date + 14 days))
- Scheduled Custom Field (a project custom field based on a formula
that tells me if the project is on schedule or not)
- Cost fields
- others athers fields like start and finish on the project
level and on the task level

I don’t know if is possible, but I’d like to analyse also the task in
the same cube...

Here you are the process that I have followed in the PWA (but I’m not
able to build the right cube!!!):

1. Server Settings -> Look and Feel -> Manage Views
a. There I have created a new view (Type DATA ANALYSIS – The
problem is that I have not really understood the difference between
the 14 cubes...)

2. Server Settings -> Cube -> Configuration
a. Here I’m not able to find the enterprise custom fields!!!!

I don’t know how to build a really simple cube....

Thanks to everybody.


Ben Howard

Hi Vit,

Enterprise Outline codes that have a look up table or flag go into the cube,
other items based on a formula are not available. Values fields (cost etc)
are available as measures.

In order to get them into the cube, you need to add them in as part of the
cube configuration (Server settings, cube configuration) and then build the
cube. You can also add your own calculation measures in here (eg WORK DAYS)

In terms of what is available in each cube, check out the SDK - there is an Excel
file which lists all the information.

This should get you started, let us know how you get on.

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