Build date calculation



Field: | March Rpt | April Rpt |<exp>| May Rpt |<exp>|
Table: | March | April | | May | |
List: | 2/23/03 | 4/02/03 | | 5/22/03 | |

What <exp> can I insert btw Fields that calculates the
diff in days:

Example: 2/23/03 - 4/02/03 = difference
4/02/03 - 5/22/03 = difference

Jeff Boyce


Not sure I understand your data structure, which would be fairly critical to
know before offering suggestions. It looks like you have a table per month,
which, if true, is a very "spreadsheetly" thing to do. Access is a
relational database, and to maximize your use of your data (and to make your
life and work easier), consider reviewing "normalization" in Access HELP.

Or, maybe I've mis-inferred from your description...

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

John Viescas

Assuming all fields are date/time values:

SELECT [March Rpt], [April Rpt], CInt([April Rpt] - [March Rpt]) As
[May Rpt], CInt([May Rpt] - [Apr Rpt]) As DaysAprMay
FROM MyTable

This works because date/time values internally are a day value as the
integer portion (the number of days since December 30, 1899) and the time
value in the decimal portion as a fraction of a day accurate to seconds.
Subtract one date/time value from another, and you get the number of days in

John Viescas, author
"Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out"
"Running Microsoft Access 2000"
"SQL Queries for Mere Mortals"
(Microsoft Access MVP since 1993)

Denny Hendrix

Add new field in your query "FebAprDiff:[April Rpt]-
[March Rpt]" This should return the number of days.
Change dates as needed.


Jeff Boyce


The down side to this approach is having to add a field and change the query
every time you want to compare a different pair.

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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