Build Text Output Files - data from 3 tables




i am trying to build some basic static html files.

i have a 'header' / 'middle' / 'footer'

these tables are linked in the following way.

each header has an id - and this is the link to the middle
same with the footer.

i want to output the files as below:

Sub runOuttoHTML()

Dim hFile As Integer
hFile = FreeFile

for each TITLE in tblMiddle

Open TITLE & ".html" For Output As #hFile
Print #hFile, "<html><head>"
Print #hFile, tblHeader.field1
Print #hFile, "</head><body " & tblMiddle.bodydescription
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText1
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText2
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText3
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText4
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText5
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText6
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText7
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText8
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText9
Print #hFile, tbleMiddle.FreeText10

Print #hFile, tblFooter.field1
Print #hFile, "</body></html>"
Print #hFile, Close #hFile
and do it again

End Sub

but i cant get my head around it - any help - as always greatfully received.

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