Building a FormulaArray using VBA - Size Limit?



Is there a size limit or character lenght restriction when trying to apply a
FormulaArray using VBA? I have this Array formula that I can apply manually
using Ctrl-Shift-Enter. That works fine. However, I can build that array
formula using VBA. I've tried recording a macro and enter the cell with the
formula and just pressing Ctrl-Shift-Enter. I get a message saying it can't
record. Keep in mind that I can apply the same text in the array formula

Range("K24").Formula "{=my formula text}

However, obviously that will not create an array formula.

Any ideas.

Tom Ogilvy

Range("K24").FormulaArray = "=Max(if(A1:A10=5,B1:B10))"

Yes, I believe the string can't be more than about 255 characters when using

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