Building a new userform


Jim Tibbetts

I am in the process of building a userform to make changes to golf teams.
Right now I have a combobox (TeamsComboBox) that contains a list of 50 golf
team names and a blank listbox (TeamListBox) below it. When the user clicks
on a name in the combobox I want that team's golfers to show up in the
listbox for editting. The names in the list of teams are in A2:A51. A2 is
named TEAM1, A3 is named TEAM2, etc. Each team has its own named array that
contains their 10 golfers (i.e. TEAM5GOLFERS). I plan to use the cell name of
the team selected to concatenate into "TEAM5"&"GOLFERS" to be able to bring
the team's golfers (i.e. TEAM5GOLFERS) into the listbox for editing. Am I
making any sense?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Bob Phillips

Private Sub TeamsComboBox_Click()
With Me
.TeamsListBox.RowSource = Worksheets("Sheet1") _
.Range(.TeamsComboBox.Value & "Golfers").Address(, , , True)
End With
End Sub



(change the xxxx to gmail if mailing direct)

Jim Tibbetts

That'll work. Thanks Bob.
Jim T

Bob Phillips said:
Private Sub TeamsComboBox_Click()
With Me
.TeamsListBox.RowSource = Worksheets("Sheet1") _
.Range(.TeamsComboBox.Value & "Golfers").Address(, , , True)
End With
End Sub



(change the xxxx to gmail if mailing direct)

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