Although the concordance file has been derided as an index-building tool, I
find it incredibly efficient and it achieves an 85% good index with minimal
effort. The problem I'm experiencing with the concordance file is this--it
appears to be case sensitive. In other words, if I enter a term in the
concordance file (say, "multinomial logistical regression"--with that case)
and somewhere in the document there is a heading that goes like "Multinomial
Logistical Regression" (init capping--so different case as first example),
the concordance file will not index the latter mention. The only solution I'm
aware of is to enter every possible variation of how the phrase might appear,
which could include 5-6 variations.
Anyone know how to make the concordance file "case insensitive?" Many thanx!
find it incredibly efficient and it achieves an 85% good index with minimal
effort. The problem I'm experiencing with the concordance file is this--it
appears to be case sensitive. In other words, if I enter a term in the
concordance file (say, "multinomial logistical regression"--with that case)
and somewhere in the document there is a heading that goes like "Multinomial
Logistical Regression" (init capping--so different case as first example),
the concordance file will not index the latter mention. The only solution I'm
aware of is to enter every possible variation of how the phrase might appear,
which could include 5-6 variations.
Anyone know how to make the concordance file "case insensitive?" Many thanx!