building an online quiz with access




Rather than getting into detail about what I've done,
first let me tell you what I'm trying to accomplish.

I want to create a 25 question quiz that will be
accessible online. I've got the web interface taken care
of. However, on the backend I'm wondering if anyone has
a suggestion on how to best create the database.

Right now I have three tables: questions, answers, and
results. The questions table has 25 fields (one for each
question). The answers table has 100 fields (four for
each question). The results table has a number of fields
for student information, plus 25 fields for the answers
they submit and one field for a total.

What I don't know how to do (among other things you're
probably thinking) is score it. In the answers table I'm
wondering if I should associate 1 as the right answer and
0 for the wrong answers. So when a student answers the
right question, a 1 is entered in the results table and
zero if the wrong answer is selected. While this sounds
like it could it work to me how would I do that? Then I
could use a query to add up the ones and zero's and
divide by 25 to get a percentage score.

I'm totally open to all ideas! Don't let my current
table structure scare you away, I'd be happy to blow
those out and start over if necessary. No data has been
entered yet.

I will be happy to share my findings.

Thanks in Advance!


Anne Troy

Sounds fine to me. I would probably do what you've described. Make sure you
cover yourself for NO answer too.

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