Building configurator



I am building a configurator. I have done smaller ones in
the past. This one has 250-275 pieces of data that must be
capture. I created a tabbed form with six pages with each
page being a subform with 40-60 pieces of data to be
captured. Think of it like a car and you need to know
things like wheels, stype, size, etc.

I have the overall forms data being a table that just
holds to make it simle formID, pageAid, pageBid, pageCid,
PageDid, PageEid, PageFid. Because a page can have zero
data I added a boolean to each of those tables and
included it in this query as well (PageA?, etc.) When the
user saves the form data if they left Page 6 empty I
populate Page6? with no which gives me that record link.

Is there a better way to do all this?


Henry Smith

Seems like an exceptionally large amount of data for your user to key in.
I suggest looking at the universe of your required data points and try to
group them in some logical sequence. Then look for repeated data and make
the repeated data points automatic input to reduce your total data input
requirements to only unique data point requirements.
Another suggestion: Data of this magnitude usually will have some
hierarchical relationship. Try to put the universe into a hierarchical
relationship which will make it easier to capture the data and in the future
design reports using the data.
With a hierarchical relationship you could do something like:
If the first set of "Primary" data is 1, 2, 3, blue
Then the program will perform some automatic entries and take the user to a
set of data entry points that have to be unique.
This may take some time to arrange the data, but it will be worth it in the


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