BuiltInDocumentProperties...some no workee



Hi All........
In Excel 97SR2, I'm having trouble bringing up some of the items in the
BuiltInDocumentProperties collection....specifically, "Last Print Date",
"Last Save Time", "Total Editing Time", and "Number of Bytes". Is this
ordinary? Are there any workarounds for any of these items?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Yes, with Excel 2000 I get errors on "Last Print Date", "Total Editing Time"
and some others. (But "LastSaveTime" works and "Last Print Date" may fail
because the file has never been printed, not sure.)
IIRC, those properties are Office wide and not all applied to every app.
Obviously "Number of words", "Number of lines", "Number of paragraphs",
"Number of slides" etc, do not make much sense in an Excel environment,
although "Total editing time" does.

You may try the DSO way on the closed file to see you get any different


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