Buisness Contact Manager 2003



When I open Microsoft Outlook 2003 Pro edition with Buisness Contact Manager.
The add in Buisness Contact manager tool bar does not show up on the Menu.I
have the buisnes contacts and accounts. However when I try to open the
buisness contact form it says, buisness contact manager was unable to
intilize this form. I have when to about outlook and there is nothing there
for me to enable or disable. I have tryed to clear my cache also with no
luck. I do get a error when I open Outlook it shows a bar and says finalizing
buisness contact manager for outlook then stops and puts a error up that
says.(Your OFT file for message class IPM.Contact. BCM.Account has awrong
version. Requested version 2.00.3516.00. oft form version 1.001616.00. and
does not let buisness contact manager intilize.When I go to forms it shows a
version of 1.00.1616.00 I read some discussion on I need to mabey update to
version 2 . I f so how would I do this. I would appreciate any help with this.


Now that I'm reading through several posts and having experienced this issue
myself --it must be happening to several people.
Even though you have enabled Business Contact Manger, it has disabled itself.

Go to the Outlook menu, select HELP, look for Disabled Items. Bet, you'll
find BCM listed there.
Good luck. (This was a tip I received from MicroSoft via 866-452-4755 -- a
real person!! I've been struggling with this issue for weeks. Found the
number today. Who knows - MicroSoft might be improving customer service a
little bit.)

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