Bulk conversion of .dot to .doc



Hi there,

I need to change about 100 word templates to documents. Is there a quick
way to do this in bulk, rather than renaming each one? I am doing this
because I want these documents to be firm precedents and I need them to be
based on one of our templates (usinng templates and add-ins).


Jean-Guy Marcil

Melissa was telling us:
Melissa nous racontait que :
Hi there,

I need to change about 100 word templates to documents. Is there a
quick way to do this in bulk, rather than renaming each one? I am
doing this because I want these documents to be firm precedents and I
need them to be based on one of our templates (usinng templates and

Try something liike this:

Option Explicit

Public Sub BatchSaveAllAsDoc()

Dim myFile As String
Dim PathToUse As String
Dim PathToSave As String
Dim myDoc As Document

PathToUse = "C:\Test\"
PathToSave = PathToUse & "Doc\"

'Create directory if it does not exist
If Dir(PathToSave, vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir PathToSave
End If

'Set the directory and type of file to batch process
myFile = Dir$(PathToUse & "*.dot")

While myFile <> ""
'Open template
Set myDoc = Documents.Open(PathToUse & myFile)
With myDoc
.SaveAs PathToSave & Left(myFile, Len(myFile) - 3) & "doc"
End With
'Next file in folder
myFile = Dir$()

End Sub


Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site: http://www.word.mvps.org


Thanks very much. That worked a treat. However, when I open one for the
documents and go to templates and add-ins to attach my template, the box is
greyed out, as if it were still a template. Do you know of a work-around for

Jean-Guy Marcil

Melissa was telling us:
Melissa nous racontait que :
Thanks very much. That worked a treat. However, when I open one for
the documents and go to templates and add-ins to attach my template,
the box is greyed out, as if it were still a template. Do you know
of a work-around for this?

Yes, sorry about this; I should not have used "Documents.Open" with

Set myDoc = Documents.Open(PathToUse & myFile)
Set myDoc = Documents.Add(PathToUse & myFile)


Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site: http://www.word.mvps.org


Thank you very much. That worked perfectly. If you have the time, can you
please explain why Documents.Add created the doc without the templates and
add-ins greyed out, but Documents.Open did not, or direct me to a site that
might explain it.

Jonathan West

Melissa said:
Thank you very much. That worked perfectly. If you have the time, can
please explain why Documents.Add created the doc without the templates and
add-ins greyed out, but Documents.Open did not, or direct me to a site
might explain it.

It is a idiosyncrasy of Word. You can never "Save As" a template as a
different file type. But you can create a new document based on a template,
and save that new document. The Documents.Add method is the VBA equivalent
of creating a new document based on a template.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
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Rob Benz

Can you describe how to make this work in reverse, ie, bulk convert all .docx
in a folder to .dotx???

Graham Mayor

The following will save all docx documents in a folder as dotx templates
into the same folder. I have not included error trapping for e.g. protected

Sub SaveAllAsDOTX()
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strDocName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim oDoc As Document
Dim fDialog As FileDialog
Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)

With fDialog
.Title = "Select folder and click OK"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewList
If .Show <> -1 Then
MsgBox "Cancelled By User", , "List Folder Contents"
Exit Sub
End If
strPath = fDialog.SelectedItems.Item(1)
If Right(strPath, 1) <> "\" Then strPath = strPath + "\"
End With

If Documents.Count > 0 Then
Documents.Close SaveChanges:=wdPromptToSaveChanges
End If
If Left(strPath, 1) = Chr(34) Then
strPath = Mid(strPath, 2, Len(strPath) - 2)
End If
strFilename = Dir$(strPath & "*.docx")

While Len(strFilename) <> 0
Set oDoc = Documents.Open(strPath & strFilename)

strDocName = ActiveDocument.FullName
intPos = InStrRev(strDocName, ".")
strDocName = Left(strDocName, intPos - 1)
strDocName = strDocName & ".dotx"
oDoc.SaveAs FileName:=strDocName, _
oDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
strFilename = Dir$()
End Sub

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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