Bullet Formatting Problem




I use a template for formatting proposal documents and am having a problem
with the bullets. Every so often when I copy text into my master document, I
lose the bullet formatting. I always copy information in as unformatted text
and use the template formatting styles for my document. When I try to format
the bullets, I am not able to re-apply the bullet style if I have lost them.
Usually I can reattch my template select update styles and that will usually

Unfortunatey, all of our boilerplate content was recently moved to a data
center that does not allow storage of DOC format documents so we had to
convert all our files to XML. Now when users download the BP files, there
seem to be more occurrences of the "missing bullets".

I have read the various threads on setting up bullets and do not believe
that the bullets in this template were set up with List Bullet initially. Is
there a way to fix these bullets to make them more stable so users are not
losing them.

Sorry for the long message but wanted to provide enough background.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TWthdGU=?=,

Are the bullets in both sets of documents defined with a style? And is the same
style name used in both documents? If not, you may be running into a problem
with direct formatting. If you select a copy/pasted paragraph where the bullets
have been lost, press Ctrl+Q (to remove direct paragraph formatting), then
re-apply the style do you see anything happen?
I use a template for formatting proposal documents and am having a problem
with the bullets. Every so often when I copy text into my master document, I
lose the bullet formatting. I always copy information in as unformatted text
and use the template formatting styles for my document. When I try to format
the bullets, I am not able to re-apply the bullet style if I have lost them.
Usually I can reattch my template select update styles and that will usually

Unfortunatey, all of our boilerplate content was recently moved to a data
center that does not allow storage of DOC format documents so we had to
convert all our files to XML. Now when users download the BP files, there
seem to be more occurrences of the "missing bullets".

I have read the various threads on setting up bullets and do not believe
that the bullets in this template were set up with List Bullet initially. Is
there a way to fix these bullets to make them more stable so users are not
losing them.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Hello Cindy,

I highlighted the bulleted lines and did CTRL + Q. I then tried to reapply
the style but it did not put the bullet symbol back. What is so hard to
understand is that I have this bullet symbol style in a single spaced and
double spaced bullet style. The double spaced style retains the bullet while
the single spaced style loss it and does not allow me to reapply the style
and get the bullet symbol back.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Ctrl+Q *does* reapply the style. But I wonder if you and Cindy are using the
word "style" in the same way. If you have single-spaced and double-spaced
bullet styles, are these distinct paragraph styles with the bullet defined
as part of the style (Format | Style | Modify: Format: Numbering)?



Yes, the bullet single and bullet double styles are distinct paragraphs
styles with the bullets defined. The only difference between these two
styles is the extra spacing after in the double bullet style. Single bullet
style has no space after.

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