Bullet Size Changes



I am entering text into a table. In one cell, I need a bulleted list. The last bulleted item is a different size than those that precede it although the same bullet type and font is selected. I've checked to make sure Cotinue From Previous List is selected. Any ideas why this is happening?


Formatting information is contained in the Paragraph
markers at the end of your data. To see these Paragraph
Markers, try turning on Show and Hide on the Standard
Toolbar. It looks like a paragraph mark and it's next to
the zoom. Then select the paragraph mark after the
bullet with the correct font size and make note of the
font and size displayed on the Formatting Toolbar.
Select the paragraph mark after the bullet with the
incorrect size displayed and via Format/Font or via the
Formatting toolbar modify the size and font to match the
correct one. Try that....
-----Original Message-----
I am entering text into a table. In one cell, I need a
bulleted list. The last bulleted item is a different
size than those that precede it although the same bullet
type and font is selected. I've checked to make sure
Cotinue From Previous List is selected. Any ideas why
this is happening?

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