bulleted items/thumbnails



I would appreciate help for the following 1) If there are bulleted items how
does one get each bulleted item to fade in separately. I have tried Animation
"Fade in one by one" but only the title is fading in not the content on each
page - have I set the page up wrong to cause this? 2) I wanted a Master Page
showing a thumbnail of each page (7 in total) - I used "Title + 4 Content"
and as I needed 7 thumbnails I copied some of the thumbnails to make 7 total.
However, when I view Slide Show only 4 show. How do I create 7 thumbnails? -
thanks in advance. Take care, David


1. See http://www.rdpslides.com/pptfaq/FAQ00581.htm

2. You need to insert the additional thumbnails as pictures and rearrange
everything so that the pictures don't cover one another. You don't need to
confine yourself to the slide layout. You can use the blank layout or the
Title Only layout and then use Insert > Picture > Picture from file seven times.


As to the first question have a look here:
Make animated text appear line by line
Regarding the second question, if you are trying to copy placeholders, that
cannot be done. I am a bit confused as to the meaning of thumbnails. What
are you trying to achieve?


Thank you for your email and info - that has sorted out "thumbnails" -
thumbnails is probably the wrong word but if you go to
http://tei.no-ip.biz/P_HistoryofCA2.mht you can see that I have put all pages
as "thumbnails" on the first page. I would like the viewer to be able to
press spacebar or click to go to next bullet as well as being able to got to
next slide. In other words each bullet will "fade in" when spacebar or click
so I still have not sorted out that one - fading in/whatever seems to only do
it for the whole slide not individual bullets unless I am doing something
wrong - thanks in advance. David


Now I see what you mean by thumbnails.
Excuse me if I am wrong (not a native English speaker) but as I see it you
want to be able to build each slide point by point and still go to the next
slide without completing the build-up. If that is the case just put an
action button on your slide which directs you to the next slide, there is
one doing just that in the drawing toolbar, choose AutoShapes - Action
buttons - Next - drag the button on your slide.
As to the build-up itself, gathering from your show I notice you have used a
textbox to put in the bulleted points. Now if you assign a entrance effect
to it using the Custom Animation task pane, the effect will show up in the
list. Double click on it and on the last tab of the dialogue (text
animation) next to 'group by' or something to that effect you should be able
to choose by first level, second level depending on how much levels you have
applied in your text box (using the tab key on your keyboard).
I also noticed that the text next to the bullets does not seem to align very
well. With your cursor in a textbox, go to the ruler, drag the two carets
(do not know the correct word here) to the right (position your cursor on
the top one to drag). That should give you a perfectly aligned text.
If I misunderstood, please excuse me, and post back, maybe Sonja or somebody
else will help you better than I could.

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