Bullets and Numbering - justify?


M Skabialka

How do you set a sub paragraph to be justified using bullets and numbering?
I found the font settings but not thr left/right/justify option.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Explain what you mean by a "subparagraph." If you're talking about an
outline-numbered/bulleted paragraph at a lower level, you apply this
formatting through Format | Paragraph (or, preferably, Format | Style) just
as you would for any other paragraph.

Note that the font settings in the Bullets and Numbering dialog are for the
bullet or number only. Bullets often come from a different font than the
Default Paragraph Font, but the font of the numbers should not be specified
unless you want it to be different from the rest of the paragraph.

M Skabialka

e.g a paragraph like this that would be left and right justifed.
4.2.3. Common Methods
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown
fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.

I can go back and justify it after applying the numbering but it is always
left justified when I apply the numbering based on how I have it set up. I
am not sure how to include the justify as part of the numbering. Except for
the Header 1 level I need all of the lower levels justified.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There is no such thing as "left and right justified." There's left-aligned,
right-aligned, centered, and justified. If you want the paragraph to be
justified, then you format the paragraph (or the paragraph style) as
Justified. This setting is in the Format | Paragraph dialog, not in Format |
Bullets and Numbering. The settings in the numbering dialog determine the
alignment of the number, not the paragraph. You should be using heading
styles (not justified) for your heading and body text styles (justified)
for your body text.

M Skabialka

I guess that was a bad example - I also have a), b), c) and (1), (2), (3)
type numbering.

a) The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox
jumps over
the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown
fox jumps over the lazy dog.

This is where I need the justify format built into the numbering system. It
seems as though I have more options in setting up the formatting of the
table of contents levels than the actual document body levels. The entire
document has multiple levels, several font sizes, tables, figures, centered
highlighted Notes areas, etc. I wish I was able to just highlight it all
and tell it to justify but I pretty much have to do it a paragraph as a
time. Having that as part of the numbering format would be useful. Current
I am using format painter for each level which maintains the justify
setting, but would rather apply a numbering level and have it happen

About the justify - I came from the newspaper world - our columns were left
justified, right justified, centered or left and right justified - Microsoft
changed the terminology! ;-)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm sorry, but you're just not getting it. The Numbering dialog establishes
the formatting (including position) of the number only. The Paragraph dialog
establishes the alignment of the paragraph. When you create or modify a
style (Body Text, say, or List Number or Heading 1), if you will click the
Format button at the bottom of the Modify Style dialog, you will see that
there are numerous properties you can define in the paragraph style. One of
these is Paragraph; another is Numbering.

It is possible that the Left, Right, Center control in the numbering dialog
is confusing you; that governs only the alignment of the number relative to
the "Aligned at" position set in the dialog. For example, say you have
specified that the number should be aligned at 0.25". If you use the default
Left positioning, then the number will start at 0.25" and extend to the
right as far as required. If your numbers will be longer than a digit or
two, you may need to increase the amount of the "Tab space after" setting to
prevent the number and tab from overrunning the tab stop. If you select
Right, then the number will end at 0.25" (that is, it will be to the left of
the position). If you select center, the number will be centered at 0.25".
The settings are comparable to Left, Center, and Right tab stops. None of
this affects the alignment of the paragraph itself, which is set in the
Paragraph dialog.

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