Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel Hi. I'm using Word 2008 (12.2.3) on an Intel Mac Snow Leopard (10.6.2). I was having a problem superficially similar to one that mwheat reported about a week ago, but with this crucial difference: I didn't have access to bullets in any document (i.e. they appear as empty boxes). The only bullet that worked was the tiny bullet; all the others showed up correctly in the Formatting Palette, but showed up as empty, non-printing boxes in my documents.
While writing up a query to the forums, I managed to solve my problem. But I'm posting anyway, since another user, pnate, responded to mwheat's thread with a problem just like mine.
My problem turned out to be caused by a font conflict. I knew that Word 2008 uses the Symbol font for text bullets. So I fired up Font Book application and learned that I have a number of different Symbol fonts installed. These show up in Font Book as
• Regular
• Regular
• Symbol
By control-clicking and choosing "Reveal in Finder" I learned a bit more about each of them:
• Symbol.ttf (Windows truetype, version 6.1d7e3) installed in System/Library/Fonts
• symbol_o.ttf (Windows truetype, version Version 1.60) installed in Library/Fonts
• Symbol (font suitcase, version 1.0) installed in Library/Fonts
Font Book reported a font conflict with the third one (Symbol font suitcase), so cntl-clicked on it, chose "Resolve Duplicates" and deactivated that font. I quit and restarted Word, but the problem with bullets persisted.
Font Book did not report a conflict between the two Windows truetype symbol fonts (Symbol.ttf and symbol_o.ttf). It listed them both as "Regular" typefaces under the same "Symbol" heading. But, when I clicked on them in Font Book, they were radically different, showing different characters, not just different shapes for a given character.
I suspect that symbol_o.ttf is an Office-installed font that's in some sort of conflict with Symbol.ttf. I didn't want to turn off Symbol.ttf, since it's a system font. So I deactivated symbol_o.ttf instead. (In Font Book, both look the same ("Regular"
, but you can tell them apart by "Reveal in Finder"
This did the trick: after quitting and restarting Word, I was able to see my bullets appear correctly.
Once again, the solution for me was to deactivate ALL copies of the Symbol font EXCEPT for the copy in System/Library/Fonts.
While writing up a query to the forums, I managed to solve my problem. But I'm posting anyway, since another user, pnate, responded to mwheat's thread with a problem just like mine.
My problem turned out to be caused by a font conflict. I knew that Word 2008 uses the Symbol font for text bullets. So I fired up Font Book application and learned that I have a number of different Symbol fonts installed. These show up in Font Book as
• Regular
• Regular
• Symbol
By control-clicking and choosing "Reveal in Finder" I learned a bit more about each of them:
• Symbol.ttf (Windows truetype, version 6.1d7e3) installed in System/Library/Fonts
• symbol_o.ttf (Windows truetype, version Version 1.60) installed in Library/Fonts
• Symbol (font suitcase, version 1.0) installed in Library/Fonts
Font Book reported a font conflict with the third one (Symbol font suitcase), so cntl-clicked on it, chose "Resolve Duplicates" and deactivated that font. I quit and restarted Word, but the problem with bullets persisted.
Font Book did not report a conflict between the two Windows truetype symbol fonts (Symbol.ttf and symbol_o.ttf). It listed them both as "Regular" typefaces under the same "Symbol" heading. But, when I clicked on them in Font Book, they were radically different, showing different characters, not just different shapes for a given character.
I suspect that symbol_o.ttf is an Office-installed font that's in some sort of conflict with Symbol.ttf. I didn't want to turn off Symbol.ttf, since it's a system font. So I deactivated symbol_o.ttf instead. (In Font Book, both look the same ("Regular"
This did the trick: after quitting and restarting Word, I was able to see my bullets appear correctly.
Once again, the solution for me was to deactivate ALL copies of the Symbol font EXCEPT for the copy in System/Library/Fonts.