Bullets in Cells


Lynn Hubschman

I need to have a couple bulletpoints in one cell. Is
there anyway to do this?

Anders S

Hi Lynn

To enter a bullet character, hold down the Alt key and type 0149 on the numeric keypad. This works for the Arial font and several other fonts. If you get another character you will have to find the bullet character in your particular font (if there is one) in the Character Map.

Anders Silvén

Ken Wright

Once you have your first bullet, hold down ALT and press Enter and you will
create another line within the same cell.

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL2K & XLXP

Attitude - A little thing that makes a BIG difference

Hi Lynn

To enter a bullet character, hold down the Alt key and type 0149 on the numeric
keypad. This works for the Arial font and several other fonts. If you get
another character you will have to find the bullet character in your particular
font (if there is one) in the Character Map.

Anders Silvén

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