Bullets, Numbered lists, and levels: Tag the parent for all childr



The ability to tag a parent item (highest level list item) is there.
However, the tag does not flow to its child levels. While this may not
always be desired (properties dialog selectable would be great) for the most
part: the children levels of a numbered or bulleted list retain their base
meaning in real life. (A "discussion" tag on a parent, I'm quite certain,
would normally include discussing the entire topic as outlined by the user.)
I hope this reads correctly... let me try an example:

A. Tasks today
1. Inventory of widgets is low.
a. Bob hasn't ordered in time
b. Existing stock needs sorted
1. Some have defects..reason.....
2. Good ones do exist
2. End of Microsoft OneNote trial is this week...purchase!!
3. Groceries
a. Bread
b. Milk
c. Eggs
d. Energy drink (for late night programming...)

If you tag list item A.1 with a "discuss with person A" tag, items A.1.a,
A.1.b, A.1.b.1, A.1.b.2 should all inheret the same tag. We don't need a
separate tag icon or instance just because each included thought is on a
different line. (Opinion.)

The same goes with the grocery list. You're going to want to buy
everything, once you fired up your gas-guzzler to go buy it, right?

Now, in some cases the ability to put discreet tags on any level of an
outline makes perfect sense. However, the ability to "inheret" tags from
higher levels makes more sense than not for many of lifes "normal" activities.

Hope this helps.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


Rainald Taesler

As you noticed there is no such scheme avaliable at present.
Perhaps something like that could be implemented in a new version.

You may post this as a suggestion for the next version in "Connect",
the place for submitting
suggestions and bug reports to the developers team:

When done, pls drop a note with the URL in here so that we can jump in
and vote for your suggestion.

The ability to tag a parent item (highest level list item) is there.
However, the tag does not flow to its child levels. While this may
not always be desired (properties dialog selectable would be great)
for the most part: the children levels of a numbered or bulleted
list retain their base meaning in real life. (A "discussion" tag
on a parent, I'm quite certain, would normally include discussing
the entire topic as outlined by the user.) I hope this reads
correctly... let me try an example:

A. Tasks today
1. Inventory of widgets is low.
a. Bob hasn't ordered in time
b. Existing stock needs sorted
1. Some have defects..reason.....
2. Good ones do exist
2. End of Microsoft OneNote trial is this week...purchase!!
3. Groceries
a. Bread
b. Milk
c. Eggs
d. Energy drink (for late night programming...)

If you tag list item A.1 with a "discuss with person A" tag, items
A.1.a, A.1.b, A.1.b.1, A.1.b.2 should all inheret the same tag. We
don't need a separate tag icon or instance just because each
included thought is on a different line. (Opinion.)

The same goes with the grocery list. You're going to want to buy
everything, once you fired up your gas-guzzler to go buy it, right?

Now, in some cases the ability to put discreet tags on any level of
an outline makes perfect sense. However, the ability to "inheret"
tags from higher levels makes more sense than not for many of lifes
"normal" activities.

Hope this helps.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to
the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion,
click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see
the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the
Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the
message pane.

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