smart said:
what the hell is twelve times fifty? it's part of my math homework
which is due tommorow. i'm running out of time. please respond
telling me the answer before six o'clock tommorrow or i'm screwed.
"Albert Einstein" is correct, but I think you're screwed anyway, about five
different ways...
- You don't learn anything by having someone else do your homework for you
(except possibly that you can sometimes get away with having other people do
things you should do for yourself). For this alone, you should flunk.
- Since you have access to a computer, and computers are really good at
doing arithmetic, you didn't need to ask anyone. Just click Start >
Accessories > Calculator and do the multiplication.
- Even if you don't know how to use a calculator (which probably puts you
into the bottom 1% of your class), you can just ask Google:
- Asking a math question in a forum devoted to questions about Microsoft
Word is about as off-topic as anything could be. How _did_ you get here???
- Why was it necessary to include profanity in your post?
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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