Bus dispatch form


Bob 4

I'm an experienced Access developer with a new challenge. I'd like to
graphically show dates and times that limousines are dispatched. For
example, we have 10 limousines numbered 1-10. I need to show a list of limos
down the left side of a form and a range of dates across the top. I'd like
to display what limos are dispatched on each date in the middle of the
matrix. Some limos can be dispatched for multiple days. I've searched for
ActiveX controls with no results.
Does anyone know of a good source for a dispatch ActiveX control OR can
anyone give me pointers on how to build a custom form. Here is an example of
the source data:
Thank you.

stefan hoffmann


Bob said:
I'm an experienced Access developer with a new challenge. I'd like to
graphically show dates and times that limousines are dispatched.
Create a pivot query with the limos as columns and the dates as rows.
The calculated field holds a 0 if the limo is inhouse otherwise a 1.

Create a endless form based on that pivot query. Place a textbox for
each limo with conditional formatting (0=green, 1=red) on your form.

You can also invert that pivot query to get the limos on the left side,
but then you have to do some coding to assign the correct date fields
from the query to the columns.

--> stefan <--

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