Business Contact Manager database shared on SQL 2000


Tracy Hoffman

I installed BCM 2003 on on XP computer, shared it and then copied it to our
SQL 2000 server. I enable dnamed pipes and TCP/IP to use port 56183.
However, when I try to connect my users to the database they can not locate
any databases on our server. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


I installed BCM 2003 on on XP computer, shared it and then copied it to our
SQL 2000 server. I enable dnamed pipes and TCP/IP to use port 56183.
However, when I try to connect my users to the database they can not locate
any databases on our server. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Can the users connect to the database using another app (e.g. OSQL).
If not, then you either have a connectivity (e.g. blocked by firewall)
or permission problem.

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