business contact manager


Pam Rooke

i have just installed office 2003 with outlook 2003 and
read that I can use the business contact manager - but
can not find this on the CD rom or website. Where do I
get this, any ideas?

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

Depends where and how you got your CD. If you have a second CD it should be
on that CD. If you received the CD at the Office Launch, there were some
problems with BCM being on that CD. I'd contact Microsoft Support Services
to see if they can straighten it out for you.

Also, what version of Office do you have? BCM isn't included with all
versions, only Professional and Small Business.

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups***

Pam Rooke

Thanks Patricia. I have proff. but no second CD. I will contact Microsoft


----- Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook] wrote: ----

Depends where and how you got your CD. If you have a second CD it should b
on that CD. If you received the CD at the Office Launch, there were som
problems with BCM being on that CD. I'd contact Microsoft Support Service
to see if they can straighten it out for you

Also, what version of Office do you have? BCM isn't included with al
versions, only Professional and Small Business

Patricia Cardoz
Outlook MV

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 200

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups**

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