Business Contact Manager



Hello. How do I restore a contact group folder? We only have them listed in a
group folder, not individually. Business Contact Manager is not on my Folder
List or the Navagation Pane so I am not able to access the deleted items to
reach Business Contact to get to that particular Deleted Items Folder as
stated in the help information. I was trying to erase a single name from the
group in my contacts, but accidently erased the enrtire group folder instead
of just the one person. My boss is going to have fit if I cannot fix this
before she comes in on Monday. We are an Home Owners Assoc. so I have to send
out email to everyone. We have the homeowners catagorized in groups by year
of purchase so they are easier to find.

Thank You!

Have A Wonderful Blessed Day and Life! ;-)

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