Button _Click event does not execute immediately


L Mehl

Hello --

My multi-field form has (for purposes of this question)

Code modCalcs on txtField1_Exit has logic depending on whether or not the
user is saving the record. I use a boolean blnIsSaving to know which part
of the logic to run. Clicking cmdSave should set blnIsSaving to True;
otherwise blnIsSaving is False.

My problem:
With txtField1 having focus, clicking cmdSave runs the code on
txtField1_Exit immediately instead of acknowledging the Click.
modCalcs sees blnIsSaving = False, instead of True, as should have been
caused by clicking cmdSave.

Can anyone tell me how to immediately trap the click of cmdSave so I can set
blnIsSaving to True?

Thanks for any help.

Larry Mehl

L Mehl

Hi Allen --

Thank you very much for explaining the relevant form and control events.

I agree about working *with* the events. Your descriptions will help me do
that. I had things really screwed up.


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