I have a mature application where I use Inspector.Activate event as the
place where I add a Button to a Contact when a contact is opened.
This is the code section I am concerned with...
Set objBar = objInsp.CommandBars.item("Standard")
If objButton Is Nothing Then
Set objButton = objBar.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
It works just fine on the first contact opened but when I open subsequentcontacts while
the first is still open then the "If objButton Is Nothing" test bypasses adding a new
Is there a better wrapper object or event that I should move my UI creation code to, or is
there some way to track new inspectors?
place where I add a Button to a Contact when a contact is opened.
This is the code section I am concerned with...
Set objBar = objInsp.CommandBars.item("Standard")
If objButton Is Nothing Then
Set objButton = objBar.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
It works just fine on the first contact opened but when I open subsequentcontacts while
the first is still open then the "If objButton Is Nothing" test bypasses adding a new
Is there a better wrapper object or event that I should move my UI creation code to, or is
there some way to track new inspectors?