Button images



I am making a simple website for our local charity, it has 12 pages with 13
interactive navigation buttons on each page (all the same). At the present,
Frontpage (2003) has generating over 600 image files for these buttons
(duplicates) and insists on putting them in the root directory and not an
images folder where I move them to.
I am new to Frontpage and this is probably a stupid problem with I hope a
simple answer.

Andrew Murray

600 buttons? Have you inserted and deleted the buttons several times? For
each time you insert the buttons, a new image is created, and the old one is
*not* deleted from your hard drive, only from the page.

I worked out that the max number of buttons you *should* have is 39,
assuming you use the 3 states: "button Upf" "Mouse Over" and "Mouse Down/On
Click" versions of the buttons - 13 buttons x 3 states of each button = 39

Regarding saving the images, you can specify where you want to save them
when you save the page. In the page where it says "Save Picture" you can
change the directory to whatever your preference is.

There should be a "change location" or "change folder" button there.

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