button not firing when word is set as MailEditor.



Hi all

this is a much discussed problem, i m trying to use an outlook addin
which creates a button to the newInspector on clik of which some form
is opend.

it works fine for me when use all the other editors.. except word.

i ve seen Ken's post n other which suggest me to use Word Object
model. but i dont get how exactly should i do it.

here is my code in newInspector event :

Office.CommandBars oCommandBars;
Office.CommandBar oStandardBar;
myInspector = inspector;
oCommandBars = inspector.CommandBars;
oStandardBar = oCommandBars["Standard"];

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document ObjEditor;

if (inspector.IsWordMail() == false)
// code for other editors..
Redemption.SafeInspector safeInspector =
( Redemption.SafeInspector )
appObject.CreateObject( "Redemption.SafeInspector" );
safeInspector = ( Redemption.SafeInspector )

ObjEditor =
object omissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
oStandardBar = ObjEditor.CommandBars["Standard"];
inspectorButton =
(Office.CommandBarButton)oStandardBar.Controls["Insert Invite"];
catch (Exception)

//inspectorButton =
(Office.CommandBarButton)oStandardBar.Controls["Insert Invite"];
inspectorButton =
(Office.CommandBarButton)oStandardBar.Controls.Add(1, omissing,
omissing, omissing, true);
inspectorButton.Caption = "Insert Link";
inspectorButton.Style =
inspectorButton.OnAction = "!
inspectorButton.Click += new
catch (Exception)


oCommandBars = null;
oStandardBar = null;
but the Click event doesnt fire.. i ve seen some posts asking to use
Redemption. So i ve tried using that..

Please do give your opinions..

This is very critical to me as Outlook sets word as editor by

thanks in advance.

Joe augustine.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

First of all, never use NewInspector to add UI. Use the first Activate
event. I just add my UI to Inspector.CommandBars, I never directly add to
the Word object. Where I do use the Word object is in Window_Activate to see
if it's an email window or a doc and to handle enabling/disabling my UI

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