Button opens document but it closes immediately????




I have a button that opens a pdf file. THe following code opens it.

Private Sub Command76_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink "C:\setup.pdf"
End Sub

However, the pdf opens for a mili second and then closes.

I tried this also as a hyperlink but again the same problem.

If I use the button wizard to actually open an application (not document)
everything works fine but the specific pdf I need to open is throwing up

By the way, the pdf opens perfectly by doub le clicking it or by opening via
Acrobat Reader exe.

Any ideas?




Hi all

Thanks if you have taken a look but I have found a satisfactory way of
resoving the issue for now.

I am opening the link as a URL opeing the pdf in a web browser which suits
our needs.

Thanks anyway.

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