Button Parameter Query



I am a COMPLETE NOVICE struggling with designing a database... Have Mercy!

I need my user to be able to select from a drop down list of queries from
which the user can then further choose a a single or combination of 7 regions
as the final criteria.

I believe I would need a drop down list of existing queries, for example,
"All Active By Region#", and then allow the user to choose which region(s)
they need to generate the report from a set of buttons on a parameter query

The reports will provide Region#, Name, Id#, address, phone numbers, e-mail,
and teachable qualifications (Non, restricted & wilderness) all from the same

I tried using the example from Access 2007 help for a form generated
parameter query, but it could not get it to work... I used buttons to
represent each region in addition to an ALL regions button in a form

If anyone is feeling especiallly merciful, I would really appreciate some
help writing this procedure...

Duane Hookom

Are all queries basically the same? I'm not sure why you would need multiple
queries if the only thing that varies from one to the other is the criteria.

If I understand correctly, you have one or more different reports that you
want to be able to allow the users to dynamically filter based on region
and/or other criteria. Is this correct?

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