Button tips


Francis Hookham

Using Basic Shapes as buttons running macros, is it possible for a
descriptive 'tip' to be programmed in which will appear when the mouse
hovers over, as is the case with toolbar buttons?

Francis Hookham

Gary''s Student

Do not assign the macro directly to the Shape. Instead, assign a hyperlink
to the Shape to take you to a remote location within the worksheet, say Z100.
Then create a worksheet event macro to call the desired macro whenever z100
is Selected.

The advantage to using the hyperlink is that you can assign a tooltip to the
hyperlink that will appear by mouse_over. Here is an example:

Say the macro you want to run is named dural. In worksheet code enter:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Set t = Target
Set r = Range("Z100")
If Intersect(t, r) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Call dural
End Sub


Look up ControlTipsText in VBA help file. Here is some sample code from the
help file.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
MultiPage1.Page1.ControlTipText = "Here in page 1"
MultiPage1.Page2.ControlTipText = "Now in page 2"

CommandButton1.ControlTipText = "And now here's"
CommandButton2.ControlTipText = "a tip from"
CommandButton3.ControlTipText = "your controls!"
End Sub

Francis Hookham

Thank you JLGWhiz and Gary''s Student for your wonderful prompt reply.

I'll try both

I am most grateful


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