Button to add new tabstrip or multipage


Matthew Schwarz


I'm trying to create a template with a form that will allow me to create a
"News Roundup."

I find pertinent articles and then I copy-and-paste their headline, byline
and article into Word and reformat it to meet the needs of my office.

Using a template and form would help me save time because the formatting
would be done automatically.

That being said, I think I would like to use a tabstrip or multipage. Each
tab or page would contain a field for Headline, Byline, and Story. Then I
would clikc a button that would create a new tab or page with new fields for
the second Headline, Byline and Story.

You see, I never know how many stories I'm going to need.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

I am not sure what " the formatting would be done automatically." really
means, but what you are suggesting does not seem like the way to do it to

I would be more inclined to have a multi-column listbox on a userform and
controls for Headline, Byline and Story into which the details of an article
would be inserted and then a button would be clicked to add that item to the
listbox. A facility would also be included so that when an item was
selected in the list box, the details of that item (Headline, Byline and
Story) would be displayed in the abovementioned controls.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Pablo Cardellino

Why don't you enter interactively the Headline, Byline, and Story, for each

When you are ready to enter the new article, the main macro could open a new
standard document whith three textboxes: one for the Headline, one for the
Byline and one for the Story. Doing so, all formatting such as italics,
bolds, tables and other objects would be preserved. After pasting all three
contents, another macro would get all of them and store the way you wanted
(into a database, into an html file...).

Best regards,
Pablo Cardellino

Gordon Bentley-Mix


Contact me at the email address in my profile and I'll send you an example
template showing how I would approach this task. (It's similar to stuff I do
regularly so it only took me about 30 minutes to cobble something together.)



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