Button won't open page?


A Martin

I've checked the properties and navigation, compared the properties to the
other buttons and appears to be the same? The text link at the bottom of the
pages works fine?
Appreciate help.
A Martin

A Martin

I think I have it like it is for the home page, only with the "Biography"
wording, but it still will not show the title of the link and won't open from
the button unless I go to it from any of the other pages but "Home"? And it
doesn't show the title of the page with the hand hovering over the button
even then.

A Martin

A Martin

Im not sure I understand what the "hotspot" is and what I need to do to
remove it? And, what do I do to complete the code?
Appreiate your help!
A Martin

Trevor Lawrence

A Martin said:
Im not sure I understand what the "hotspot" is and what I need to do to
remove it? And, what do I do to complete the code?
Appreiate your help!
A Martin

I haven't followed the thread, but I'll try to make a suggestion

Your code in lines 25 to 30 is
<a title="Home Page" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS; color: #000099;
font-style: italic; font-weight: bold" href="index.html">
<!--webbot bot="ImageMap" text=" (25,2) (95, 30) {HOME} {Trebuchet MS} 14
BI #0000ff CT 0 " border="0" src="c100h_c.gif" width="124" height="31"
u-overlaysrc="_overlay/index.html_txt_c100h_c.gif" startspan --><img
border="0" src="_derived/index.html_txt_c100h_c.gif" width="124"
height="31"><!--webbot bot="ImageMap" endspan i-checksum="14279" --></a></p>
<a title= >
<!--webbot bot="ImageMap" text=" (2,2) (117, 30) {Biography} {Trebuchet
MS} 14 BI #0000ff CT 0 biography.htm" border="0" src="c100h_c.gif"
width="123" height="32" u-originalsrc="c100h_c.gif"
u-overlaysrc="_overlay/index.html_txt_c100h_c_2.gif" startspan --><img
border="0" src="_derived/index.html_txt_c100h_c_2.gif" width="123"
height="32" ismap
bot="ImageMap" endspan i-checksum="21376" --></a></p>

What I notice is that the second <a> tag (line 29) has no content

Try changing it to
<a title="Biography" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS; color: #000099;
font-style: italic; font-weight: bold" href="biography.htm">

(This can be done in Code or HTML view - just paste the above over the top
of <a title= > )

I haven't delved into Image maps, or hotspots, so I can't advice on this.
However, the secod webbot looks similar in syntax to the first so it should
not cause the problem

A Martin

Thanks Trevor,

For some reason I just can't get it together. My last try.....I just tried
to duplicate the text as it is in "Jam Article". I also pasted what you gave
me but no luck with that either. I had that button working ever since I put
the site together and somehow I did something that keeps it from working. I
don't understand why the text link works but the button doesn't?

If you can give me any other thing to try i'd really appreciate it. I want
that button to work so bad, and I am such a novice. When you said "This can
be done in Code or HTML", what is Code?

I appreciate your patience!!!
a mMartin

Trevor Lawrence said:
A Martin said:
Im not sure I understand what the "hotspot" is and what I need to do to
remove it? And, what do I do to complete the code?
Appreiate your help!
A Martin

I haven't followed the thread, but I'll try to make a suggestion

Your code in lines 25 to 30 is
<a title="Home Page" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS; color: #000099;
font-style: italic; font-weight: bold" href="index.html">
<!--webbot bot="ImageMap" text=" (25,2) (95, 30) {HOME} {Trebuchet MS} 14
BI #0000ff CT 0 " border="0" src="c100h_c.gif" width="124" height="31"
u-overlaysrc="_overlay/index.html_txt_c100h_c.gif" startspan --><img
border="0" src="_derived/index.html_txt_c100h_c.gif" width="124"
height="31"><!--webbot bot="ImageMap" endspan i-checksum="14279" --></a></p>
<a title= >
<!--webbot bot="ImageMap" text=" (2,2) (117, 30) {Biography} {Trebuchet
MS} 14 BI #0000ff CT 0 biography.htm" border="0" src="c100h_c.gif"
width="123" height="32" u-originalsrc="c100h_c.gif"
u-overlaysrc="_overlay/index.html_txt_c100h_c_2.gif" startspan --><img
border="0" src="_derived/index.html_txt_c100h_c_2.gif" width="123"
height="32" ismap
bot="ImageMap" endspan i-checksum="21376" --></a></p>

What I notice is that the second <a> tag (line 29) has no content

Try changing it to
<a title="Biography" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS; color: #000099;
font-style: italic; font-weight: bold" href="biography.htm">

(This can be done in Code or HTML view - just paste the above over the top
of <a title= > )

I haven't delved into Image maps, or hotspots, so I can't advice on this.
However, the secod webbot looks similar in syntax to the first so it should
not cause the problem
Trevor Lawrence
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
MVP Web Site http://trevorl.mvps.org

Trevor Lawrence

A Martin said:
Thanks Trevor,

For some reason I just can't get it together. My last try.....I just tried
to duplicate the text as it is in "Jam Article". I also pasted what you
me but no luck with that either. I had that button working ever since I
the site together and somehow I did something that keeps it from working.
don't understand why the text link works but the button doesn't?

If you can give me any other thing to try i'd really appreciate it. I want
that button to work so bad, and I am such a novice. When you said "This
be done in Code or HTML", what is Code?

I appreciate your patience!!!
a mMartin

OK, not a problem

By Code or HTML view I meant the tabs at the bottom of the page in FrontPage
(when a particular page is opened)

In FP2003, they are Design Split Code Preview, but in earlier versions they
are diiferent and the Code tab is named HTML

If you have tried pasting my text, then I assume that you have used the
"Code" or "HTML" tab. When you do, you enter a text editor where you can
type code or paste in any code you have previously cut

I seem to have deleted your post where the website address appeared, but
from what I do have, this is line 29
<a title= >

It is followed by line 30
<!--webbot bot="ImageMap" text=" (2,2) (117, 30) {Biography} {Trebuchet MS}
14 BI #0000ff CT 0 biography.htm" border="0" src="c100h_c.gif"

Please replace line 29 by
<a title="Biography" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS; color: #000099;
font-style: italic; font-weight: bold" href="biography.htm">
save and see what happens

It SHOULD work, but if not then I will try to duplicate what I can at this
end and test it myself. (Unfortunately I need the website address again to
be completely sure)

Thomas A. Rowe

1. Remove the hotspot/imagemap from each button image.

2. Select each button image, then right click and select Hyperlink properties, then browse to the
page within your current open web site.

3. suggest you set your table width to 100% instead of 1139 pixels.
Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


A Martin

I made the change as you suggested. Here's what happens. In Front Page, after
I pasted the text in and saved, I go to "Preview" and the Biography button
works fine as does all the other buttons. But, when I open the wesite on the
net, Biography button does not work. In looking at all the text, could it be
that the problem is in the "Home Page" text? It is so much different than the
other but maybe it's supposed to be. (also resized the page to 100% instead
of 889 pixels?)

You'll never know how I hate to keep buggin' you with this, but I do
appreciate your patience and responses very much!

A Martin

Trevor Lawrence

A Martin said:
I made the change as you suggested. Here's what happens. In Front Page,
I pasted the text in and saved, I go to "Preview" and the Biography button
works fine as does all the other buttons. But, when I open the wesite on
net, Biography button does not work. In looking at all the text, could it
that the problem is in the "Home Page" text? It is so much different than
other but maybe it's supposed to be. (also resized the page to 100%
of 889 pixels?)

You'll never know how I hate to keep buggin' you with this, but I do
appreciate your patience and responses very much!

I don't mind being bugged. It should not be a problem so let's try to solve

I think that Thomas's suggestions should be tried. I can't see what purpose
the hotspots serve - all that is needed is an image and a hyperlink (exactly
as Thomas has suggested).

If you can't get his ideas to work, I feel sure that I could put together
the code (without hotspots) which would work. This would need to be pasted
into the Code or HTML view. whereas his suggestions use FP to do the work
for you. Whichever works for you.

Please let me know what happens. I can post the code if needed (I haven't
put it together yet but I can now that I know the site is

A Martin

Trevor is telling me, that what you are telling me to do will probably solve
my problem. Simply, I don't know how to do it.
1. I don't know how to remove the "hotspot/image" from each button image. In html view in FP do you mean higlight and remove the entire line that begins with "imagemap"?
2. Does "Select each button image" mean do that in the FP "Normal" window? Then right click and select Hyperlink properties(OK), then browse to the page within your current open web site(OK). Then in the "Insert Hyperlink" window highlight the file then click OK?
3. "suggest you set your table width to 100% instead of 1139 pixels." I think I got that done except in all but one page and I couldn't open that option.

If I can get my problem solved, I'm sure all of you who are trying to help
me will be pleased.
Thank you for your help and patience.......sorry to be so incompetent in
understanding what to do!

A Martin

Thomas A. Rowe

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


A Martin said:
Trevor is telling me, that what you are telling me to do will probably solve
my problem. Simply, I don't know how to do it.

Delete the button images from your page, save the page then reopen the page and add your button
images back, then in Normal view do the steps below.

A Martin

(I will be out of town till Tuesday but will try what you suggested then.)
Your last sentence, in your most recent message, "then in Normal view do the
steps below." I don't know what steps you are referring to, they were not in
you message?

A Martin

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