Buttons in Front Page 2000



I have been working on an upgrade to my website using Front Page 2000. In the
Shared Borders the Home Button and the Up Buttons and a Hover Button for Back
Up are not loading although they are previewing correctly. The website
address is www.hfaf.org


For the home and up buttons, open the remote site in FontPage
(File->Open Web and type in http://hfaf.org - the http:// is important)
then login and run Tools->recalculate hyperlinks.
This should restore the buttons.

The Hover Button requires Java to be installed on every users PC, and
the Active X warning in IE to be acknowledged and accepted. Note that
many users will not have Java installed, and many that do have it
installed, disable it for security reasons.


I've looked at your site. The "Home" buttons don't have any graphics.
What Ron was saying about the java applet is correct, I found out the hard
way. I changed all my "back, homes, etc" to Hover effects only to find out
they didn't work the same on every computer.

I'm now in the process of creating my own "hover" effects using the swap
feature. As far as I can tell it works on all machines. I've only
completed the "Directory" page with my own buttons, I'm working on other
pages as I get to them and I have the time. You will find "Hover" effects
on some of the other pages on my site, but they will disappear as soon as I
get my own buttons created.
Check it out here;
Good luck with your project,


Cant put this to the test yet although I understand how this should work. For
some reason I cant log into the remote site, so will have to contact the
server to ask why it's telling me I cant have access!!! Take your point about
Hover Buttons and will try something else.



Re my last message I've accessed the remote site by using ftp instead of http
as I remembered this server doesn't allow http. However when I do open the
site the tools option does not include "recalculate hyperlinks" but only the
options to delete, add to favourites or map network. The "recalculate
hyperlinks" is only available from Front Page and I cant access it whilst the
remote site is open??????

Hopefully you will know the answer!


Thomas A. Rowe

Unless the remote server has the FP extensions, you can only access the site via FTP, for uploading.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage



If you only have ftp access then recalculate hyperlinks will never be
available. Use a third party FTP client (such as CuteFTP or WSFTP Home)
and upload the _derived folders and their contents to the server - there
may be _derived folders in several other folders in the website. The
buttons are in the various _derived folders. DO NOT upload the _vti_cnf
folders that are in every folder.

_derived folders are ALWAYS hidden in FrontPage, and with some FTP
programs you may have to set Windows Explorer to show hidden and system
folders to see them in the FTP programs file lists.

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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