Buttons missing when published



I'm using fp98, when my site is published the left buttons don't show up
anymore, even though the component settings are correct. It was fine until

They are present in the Editor, but I have saved and published several times
without them reappearing. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Alexander said:
I'm using fp98, when my site is published the left buttons don't show up
anymore, even though the component settings are correct. It was fine until

They are present in the Editor, but I have saved and published several times
without them reappearing. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

If your buttons are in a shared border, you might want to open up the
border folder and re-save it. Sometimes shared borders, because it
affects your site globally, can give you problems like this. Check it on
every page. I found that sometime I have to open every page and resave
them just so that the buttons takes affect on all the pages even though
they are in a "global" area like borders.



Thanks, Arc. I'll check this.

arcarius said:

If your buttons are in a shared border, you might want to open up the
border folder and re-save it. Sometimes shared borders, because it
affects your site globally, can give you problems like this. Check it on
every page. I found that sometime I have to open every page and resave
them just so that the buttons takes affect on all the pages even though
they are in a "global" area like borders.


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