Edward Lee
We created an Addin in C# using VS' wizzard.In the dev environment, it works
well on development machine.
But when we deployed the addin on other machine with the same version of
Visio & dotnetfx.exe using the wizzard generated setup project. We do not
see the addin in Visio COM Addins box.
we found the Connect class works well only if we do NOT inplement interface
public class MySink: Visio.IVisEventProc{
Any help are appreciated very much!
well on development machine.
But when we deployed the addin on other machine with the same version of
Visio & dotnetfx.exe using the wizzard generated setup project. We do not
see the addin in Visio COM Addins box.
we found the Connect class works well only if we do NOT inplement interface
public class MySink: Visio.IVisEventProc{
Any help are appreciated very much!