C# ComAddIn: Imitate "Drag & Drop"


Ole Jaekel

Hello everyone!

I would like to imitate Outlooks Drag & Drop functionality on this case:
When you drag and drop an email message into the body of a Outlook Task Item
you normally receive a clickable link (named like the emails subject), which,
when clicked, opens the dropped email.

I would like to create such a link/reference using a ComAddIn. So far I
tried and succeeded to add an email to a task item as an attachment. the
email also appears in the body of the task item but is not clickable to open
the email.

my source code looks like this:
using MOIO = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
//get the task item
MOIO.NameSpace olNS = ((MOIO.Application)applicationObject).GetNamespace
MOIO.TaskItem iTaskItem = (MOIO.TaskItem) olNS.GetItemFromID(itemEntryID,
//get the mail item (same subject)
MOIO.MailItem iMailItem = null;
MOIO.MAPIFolder oMailFolder = getFolder("Posteingang");
MOIO.Items oItems = oMailFolder.Items;
foreach (MOIO.MailItem mail in oItems){
if (mail.MessageClass == "IPM.Note" &&
mail.Subject.Equals(iTaskItem.Subject.ToString())) {
iMailItem = mail;
//add mail as attachment to task item
iTaskItem.Attachments.Add(iMailItem, MOIO.OlAttachmentType.olByReference,
iTaskItem.Body.Length+1, iMailItem.Subject);

Can I use the method Attachments.Add to achieve this? do i have to alter the

in the link you can see the result.
left attachment is added manually, right attachment is added
programmatically by my addin

I'd appreciate any suggestions!

Ciao Ole Jaekel

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