C# Excel 2007 workbook application with VSTO Problem




i'm writing an Excel 2007 workbook application with c#. when a field is
updated in Excel (from a data provider), i'm sending this changed values to
the another application. (with socket communication)

My application is working very clean unless when i try to change a value in
a diffrent excel file sheet.
i think get_range method is not working when i try to edit a cell. How can i
solve this problem?

Thank you for your help.


Hello again,

i solved that problem.
may be somebody needs the solution.

we can only read Excel cells with U.S settings (i think there is a bug in
the Excel object v11 dll). Therefore the region settings on a computer that
was set outside the U.S, cause problems like mine.

To correct this wrong:

System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new

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