C# Outlook automation and UserProperties




C#, Outlook interop, calendar programming question:

In C# I would like to associate several pieces of arbitrary string data
with an Outlook calendar appointment in such a way that the strings are
persistent across runs of both Outlook and my application. I have been
experimenting and I have discovered that UserProperties can do exactly
what I would like to do.

However I am unsure if my usage of UserProperties is "proper" because
virtually everything I have read about UserProperties associates them
with custom forms.

Is it Ok for me to use UserProperties as I have described; aka as a way
to "piggy back" custom data and not with custom forms?

Is there any downside to "piggy-backing" string data on an appointment?

Will the UserProperties collection be shared with the Exchange Server
and be able to make a "round trip" to the server and back?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

UserProperties are the way to go and have no real down side.

Jon Ebersole

Short of using an external database that maps the unique EntryID with your
custom information in a database Crash, I'm not sure how you could store
personalized information about any MAPI item without user properties.

I would definitely use user properties for your task. I use user properties
a lot to differentiate between the items my add-in creates and those created
by the user using the built-in Outlook buttons. Without adding properties to
your items, there really isn't a way for the user to save your Outlook Item
and open/view it later and get your add-in to process it as if it was the
original creator.

I hope this helps, good luck.

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