I'm automating Outlook 2000 SR1, mainly the appointment stuff.
Because of Q294385 (which describes a problem with the Count
property returning invalid values when using IncludeRecurrences)
I wrote a simple iterator class to wrap IEnumVARIANT.
This lets me use the Items collection in a way similar to the
recommended solution (For Each in Vb) in C++.
However, to implement a copy constructor for the iterator class,
I wrote a static Clone function (included below), which should
return a cloned IEnumVARIANT instance. The Clone() call
succeeds, but yields a NULL pointer (after the call iev is empty).
Could someone confirm whether Clone is not implemented properly,
or whether I'm making some mistake ?
// Static member IEnumIter::Clone()
template <class T> IEnumVARIANTPtr
IEnumIter<T>::Clone(const IEnumVARIANTPtr ep)
if(ep == 0) return 0;
IEnumVARIANT* iev;
IEnumVARIANTPtr result = iev;
return result;
throw "Clone() failed";
I'm automating Outlook 2000 SR1, mainly the appointment stuff.
Because of Q294385 (which describes a problem with the Count
property returning invalid values when using IncludeRecurrences)
I wrote a simple iterator class to wrap IEnumVARIANT.
This lets me use the Items collection in a way similar to the
recommended solution (For Each in Vb) in C++.
However, to implement a copy constructor for the iterator class,
I wrote a static Clone function (included below), which should
return a cloned IEnumVARIANT instance. The Clone() call
succeeds, but yields a NULL pointer (after the call iev is empty).
Could someone confirm whether Clone is not implemented properly,
or whether I'm making some mistake ?
// Static member IEnumIter::Clone()
template <class T> IEnumVARIANTPtr
IEnumIter<T>::Clone(const IEnumVARIANTPtr ep)
if(ep == 0) return 0;
IEnumVARIANT* iev;
IEnumVARIANTPtr result = iev;
return result;
throw "Clone() failed";