Joseph Kormann
I'm trying to tie my C# application into the local running Outlook
through the Interop.Outlook.DLL. I'm looking for new / unread messages in
the Inbox. No problem getting into the Inbox, but there is a problem using
the Outlook.Items.Restrict method. The returned ItemsClass shows 10 unread
messages (correct), but cycling through the list only shows me 6 of them.
When I run it again, I get 4 unread messages (correct), but going through
the list only show 3 of them. Evenually I get to 1 unread message which is
processed, but this requires me to run the outer loop (which goes to the
Inbox) multiple times.
string strRestrict = "[Unread] = false";
ItemsClass unreadMessages =
unreadMessages.Sort("[SentOn]", true);
Console.WriteLine("# of unread messages: " + unreadMessages.Count);
MailItemClass mailItem = null;
mailItem = (MailItemClass)unreadMessages.GetFirst();
while (mailItem != null)
mailItem.UnRead = true;
mailItem = (MailItemClass)unreadMessages.GetNext();
Console.WriteLine("\t unread: " + unreadMessages.Count);
As a test, I changed the above 'while' to "while (unreadMessages.Count >
0)", but then I get a thrown exception that the object reference is not set.
Any help?
through the Interop.Outlook.DLL. I'm looking for new / unread messages in
the Inbox. No problem getting into the Inbox, but there is a problem using
the Outlook.Items.Restrict method. The returned ItemsClass shows 10 unread
messages (correct), but cycling through the list only shows me 6 of them.
When I run it again, I get 4 unread messages (correct), but going through
the list only show 3 of them. Evenually I get to 1 unread message which is
processed, but this requires me to run the outer loop (which goes to the
Inbox) multiple times.
string strRestrict = "[Unread] = false";
ItemsClass unreadMessages =
unreadMessages.Sort("[SentOn]", true);
Console.WriteLine("# of unread messages: " + unreadMessages.Count);
MailItemClass mailItem = null;
mailItem = (MailItemClass)unreadMessages.GetFirst();
while (mailItem != null)
mailItem.UnRead = true;
mailItem = (MailItemClass)unreadMessages.GetNext();
Console.WriteLine("\t unread: " + unreadMessages.Count);
As a test, I changed the above 'while' to "while (unreadMessages.Count >
0)", but then I get a thrown exception that the object reference is not set.
Any help?