cache won't clear



2007 version. An owner PM has a project in local cache. the project has since
been saved by an adminstrator. Both the admin and other PM's can open the
project read/write, no problem. The owner PM can only open it read - the old
"has not been checked in" message. They also got the message about the
server version been more up to date than cache, and responded use server
verion(still read only mode).

Here's the kicker. I know to clean up the cache, make sure nothings checked
out.... When I clean up that PM's cache, on their machine, it appears to
work. But, when I go to open, that project still shows up in cache. I can't
get rid of the problem child. any suggestions?

Project Server Slave


You could attempt to delete the cache manually, by browsing to the
cache folder. I'd make a backup of the files before doing so, in case
their are unpublished changes to a project stored in the cache. It's
located at C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data
\Microsoft\MS Project\Cache\. Unless it has been specified to be
elsewhere. I've had to do this on occasion for clients. Let us know
if this works, good luck.

Richard L. Warren


Is the cache profile-sensitive (e.g. roaming, local, locallow)? If so,
might it be in one profile but not another?

Richard Warren [MBA, PMP, MCITP for EPM]

-----Original Message-----
From: Project Server Slave []
Posted At: Friday, August 08, 2008 2:28 PM
Posted To: microsoft.public.project.server
Conversation: cache won't clear
Subject: Re: cache won't clear


You could attempt to delete the cache manually, by browsing to the
cache folder. I'd make a backup of the files before doing so, in case
their are unpublished changes to a project stored in the cache. It's
located at C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data
\Microsoft\MS Project\Cache\. Unless it has been specified to be
elsewhere. I've had to do this on occasion for clients. Let us know
if this works, good luck.


Thanks everyone for your help. firectly deleting the cache worked great! Does
anyone know what circumstances cause the out of sync condition? I know I've
seen this question before. I want to try to make sure our PM's can do
whatever they can to avoid it. The only possible help I can think of is to
make sure they remove projects from cache everytime they log in. thanks
again for your help.

Richard L. Warren said:

Is the cache profile-sensitive (e.g. roaming, local, locallow)? If so,
might it be in one profile but not another?

Richard Warren [MBA, PMP, MCITP for EPM]

-----Original Message-----
From: Project Server Slave []
Posted At: Friday, August 08, 2008 2:28 PM
Posted To: microsoft.public.project.server
Conversation: cache won't clear
Subject: Re: cache won't clear


You could attempt to delete the cache manually, by browsing to the
cache folder. I'd make a backup of the files before doing so, in case
their are unpublished changes to a project stored in the cache. It's
located at C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data
\Microsoft\MS Project\Cache\. Unless it has been specified to be
elsewhere. I've had to do this on occasion for clients. Let us know
if this works, good luck.

2007 version. An owner PM has a project in local cache. the project has since
been saved by an adminstrator. Both the admin and other PM's can open the
project read/write, no problem. The owner PM can only open it read - the old
"has not been checked in" message. They also got the message about the
server version been more up to date than cache, and responded use server
verion(still read only mode).

Here's the kicker. I know to clean up the cache, make sure nothings checked
out.... When I clean up that PM's cache, on their machine, it appears to
work. But, when I go to open, that project still shows up in cache. I can't
get rid of the problem child. any suggestions?

Don Van Valkenburgh

Your local cache can get out of synch for several reasons, like Project 2007 crashes and you then go into PWA and do a force check-in, you have a network or other failure while saving a project back to the server, etc.
When you're using Proj Pro and you go to open projects on the server, the initial list it shows you is from your local cache (who designed THAT?), so it might show stuff as checked-out even when you know it isn't.
You should always be able to double-click the little "retrieve list of all projects" line and get an up-to-date list directly from the server. Then you should be able to open an available project from there, even if your local cache is out-of-synch.
You can also try clearing your local cache in Project, ESPECIALLY "projects checked out to you", if you know that it's bogus info.
Well...SP1 fixed several Local Cache problems and the "infrastructure update" promises some more improvements, so there's hope...

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