CAD drawing converter

  • Thread starter Hobby-Programmierer
  • Start date


Hallo Leute,

bei all den Visio-Versionen kann man schon etwas den Überblick
verlieren. Ich besitze die 2000 Standard (vor Microsoft) und suche
darin das Add-On um CAD-Zeichnungen aus AutoCAD in Visio-Shapes zu

Soweit ich mich schlau gemacht habe, heißt das add-on, das ich dazu
brauche "CAD drawing converter" und ist in neueren Versionen dabei und
steht als Option bei der Installation bereit.

1. Frage: Kann ich dieses add-on auch für mein altes Visio bekommen?

2. Frage: Wo?

Danke für eure Hilfe!


Sorry for my german lines in this group, here's the same in english:

Hi folks,

considering all the different versions available for visio I got a
little bit confused. I own the 2000 SE (before the time microsoft put
its label on it) und search for the add-on to convert AutoCAD drawings
to visio shapes.

I've heard there is one called "CAD drawing converter" which seems to
be included in newer versions as an option in the installation process.

My first question is: Does this add-on fit into my version of visio?

And second: Where can I get it?

Thanks for any help!

Mark Nelson [MS]

For Visio 2000, the CAD drawing converter functionality is part of Visio
Technical Edition. This add-on is available in more recent versions of
Visio as well (Visio Technical is merged into Visio Professional starting
with the 2002 version). I do not believe this converter add-on can be
installed with any version except the one it ships with. In other words,
you cannot use the Visio 2002 CAD converter in Visio 2000.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

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