Cal Outlook 2K with Exchange 2003



Hi ,
I willuse Exchange 2K3 , but for the moment i use Outlook 2000 with CAL.
My question is : I will to use my actual CAL (outlook 2000) withh Exchnage
2003 ; Is it legal ? if not , i intress by more information on this subject.
Many thks for your Help


neo [mvp outlook]

The general rule is that your Exchange 2003 Client Access License grants the
site the right to install/use Outlook 2003 (and previous versions). Now
when I say Microsoft Outlook, I mean the standalone copy of it*. Not a
Microsoft Office install trimmed back to just Outlook.

In any event, it is always best to contact your local Microsoft licensing
office or Microsoft reseller. They should be able to review the product use
rights and let you know what is/isn't acceptable for any scenario you can
think up.


* I tend to use Volume License media and every copy of Microsoft Exchange
Server (plus CAL) has always included a CD with just Microsoft Outlook.


Hi Neo,
Thks for your anser, now i'm good view for my choise.


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