Exchage 2K Build 6249.4 SP2
W2K Standard Server SP3
Outlook 2002
Antigen 7.00.1036
Delegate is finding that various meeting are missing. We have interviewed
the delegate, and we are exercising many scenario's (including Blackberry)
to see if we can re-create a missing calender entry.
The only scenario that we may have created this circumstance is on the BB.
The manager mistakenly chooses to delete a meeting, then presses the BB
escape to close the window. We have found the meeting to end up in the
"deleted itmes".
W2K Standard Server SP3
Outlook 2002
Antigen 7.00.1036
Delegate is finding that various meeting are missing. We have interviewed
the delegate, and we are exercising many scenario's (including Blackberry)
to see if we can re-create a missing calender entry.
The only scenario that we may have created this circumstance is on the BB.
The manager mistakenly chooses to delete a meeting, then presses the BB
escape to close the window. We have found the meeting to end up in the
"deleted itmes".