Calclulating percentages




I am creating a bat chart which will show a total score of e.g. 77%. I need
to know how to work out how to show the part 6 components play towards this
77%. The six components are 83, 96, 84, 49, 35 and 64. How can I calulate
this to show on chart please?

John Mansfield


One option assumes the "total" score of 77% is really a target or average.
Set the data up like below and then build a combination column - line chart.
Series 1 would be your column source and series 2 would be the line source.
If a single score is better than 77%, the column tied to that score will
exceed the line.

Series 1 Series 2
83 77
96 77
84 77
49 77
35 77
64 77

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