Calculate buisness days rather than calendar days


Erick C

Hi Everybody -
I have a quick question. I have a field in a query that gives me the
previous day using:
Issue Date: Date()-1
The issue date is always supposed to be the previous buisness day.
The formula that I have now gives me the previous calendar day. This
is no good for Monday, since I get Sunday's date.
I tried a couple of things with no success, like playing with Weekday
and anything else I could find in the builder that looked like it
could help. How can I get my field to populate the previous buisness
day's date? I was using Date() since it gave me the mm/dd/yyyy format
that I need.

Thanks for the help!

KenSheridan via

You could write a little function to do it, e.g.

Public Function GetIssueDate(Optional varDate As Variant) As Date

Dim dtmdate As Date
Dim intDaysBack As Integer

' use current date if no date passed into function
If IsMissing(varDate) Then varDate = VBA.Date()

' determine number of days to be subtracted
Select Case Weekday(varDate, vbTuesday)
Case Is < 6
intDaysBack = -1
Case 6
intDaysBack = -2
Case 7
intDaysBack = -3
End Select

' subtract relevant number of days
GetIssueDate = DateAdd("d", intDaysBack, varDate)

End Function

Just paste this into a standard module in the database and save the module
under a different name to the function, e.g. mdlDateStuff. Then in a query
to get the business day before the current date call it like so:

Issue Date: GetIssueDate()

or if you want the business day before another date either pass a date itself
into the function, e.g. for yesterday (Monday)

Issue Date: GetIssueDate(#2010-01-25#)

or if you want the date before a date in another field in the table pass a
refernce to the field in:

Issue Date: GetIssueDate([Other Date Field Name])

This does not take account of public or concessionary holidays, however. If
you want to exclude them, e.g. if you call it on a Tuesday and the Monday
before is a public holiday, you'd want the previous Friday, then you'd need
to store the holidays in a table and look them up so thy could be discounted.
The following more generalised function does this:

Public Function WorkDaysAdd(intDays As Integer, Optional dtmDateFrom As
Variant) As Date

Dim dtmdate As Date
Dim n As Integer
Dim intIncr As Integer

' use crrent date if no date passed into function
If IsMissing(dtmDateFrom) Then dtmDateFrom = VBA.Date

' value by which date will be incremented
' each day is 1 or -1 depending on sign of
' intdays argument
intIncr = intDays / Abs(intDays)
' initialize date from which to count
dtmdate = dtmDateFrom

' add days one by one
For n = 1 To Abs(intDays)
dtmdate = DateAdd("d", intIncr, dtmdate)
' skip weekends and holidays
Do While Weekday(dtmdate, vbMonday) > 5 Or _
Not IsNull(DLookup("HolDate", "Holidays", _
"HolDate = #" & Format(dtmdate, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#"))
dtmdate = DateAdd("d", intIncr, dtmdate)
Next n

WorkDaysAdd = dtmdate

End Function

In this case each holiday date is stored in a column HolDate in a table

As this function adds days you need to pass the number of days to be
subtracted as a negative number so to get the working day before the current

Issue Date: WorkDaysAdd(-1)

or before a specific date:

Issue Date: WorkDaysAdd(-1, #2010-01-25#)

or before the date of another column in the table:

Issue Date: WorkDaysAdd(-1, [Other Date Field Name])

BTW the format in which a date is returned is by default the system short
date format in use, but you can format it however you wish by setting the
Format property of the computed column in the query as desired.

There is of course no reason why you cannot put both of these functions in
the mdlDateStuff module and call whichever is most suited to a specific
requirement in a query, form or report.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

Jerry Whittle

You could do something simple like:

Issue Date: IIf(weekday(#1/26/2010#,vbSaturday)>3, #1/26/2010#-1,
#1/26/2010# - weekday(#1/26/2010#,vbSaturday))

HOWEVER (big however) - how about Holidays? What happens when Christmas
happens on a weekday? How about when Christmas happens on a weekend but
celebrated (work-wise) or a Friday or Monday?

You might just want to set up a table of non-business days and the nunber of
days to subtract based on the date. Populate this table way into the future
and check it as part of the calculations.

Daryl S

Erick -

This will check to see if today is Monday, and if so, subtract 3 days,
otherwise subtract one day. This will not work for holidays. If you want to
test for holidays, then you will need to build a table with your company
holidays and the date to use for those holidays...

Here is the simple one:


raskew via

Hi -

This willl work for any day of the week:
x = date()-1
? dateadd("d", - iif(weekday(x)<3, 3, 1), x)

HTH - Bob

Daryl said:
Erick -

This will check to see if today is Monday, and if so, subtract 3 days,
otherwise subtract one day. This will not work for holidays. If you want to
test for holidays, then you will need to build a table with your company
holidays and the date to use for those holidays...

Here is the simple one:

Hi Everybody -
I have a quick question. I have a field in a query that gives me the
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]
Thanks for the help!

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