Calculate difference between records?



Hello all.
I am trying to calculate the difference of a certain field value between two
For example:
Record Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4
1 NY ABC 100 6/1/05
2 NY DEF 150 7/1/05

I would like to be able to, in a query, calculate the difference in Field3
between two records, based on Field4 values, which will be acquired through a
combo box.

I can do it with three queries. I was wondering if anyone can help with an
idea to get the job done in one query. Thanks in advance.


Thanks Rick.

I have run a number of searches and have yet to find an answer or a question
that address the same issue as mine (I have found plenty dealing with date
differences, etc., or issues able to be handled by sorting etc.).

Thanks for the post.

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