Calculate event code not executing


Jim Stoaks

I am a newbie to coding events, so hopefully the solution to this is very

I have code that traps on the Calculate event. I have it in the Global file
and it has executed fine to this point. I got a copy of another PM's file
and copied the custom fields I needed into the new project. But the
Calculate event isn't being trapped.

I checked for any conflicting code in the new project and didn't find any.
But I copied the event code into the new project anyway and it still won't

As soon as I coped the tasks into a clean project file the event code
executed. Do this on a cintinueing basis is not something I want to do.

I need suggestions on what to check for in the new project file that is
preventing the event code from executing.



Are you certain that the stubborn project is not set to "manual "
calculation? Try hitting the F9 key and see if it recalcs and triggers your

Jim Stoaks

Turned out to be a security level problem. The other PM's project was set to
high and my macros were not signed. Problem was that unlike a regular macro,
I was not getting any error warning when it tried to run the unsigned event

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